Sunday, November 21, 2010

Undeclared War on the United States of America

Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 This article is important to read...Shows how we are being forced, even before S.510 and already being persecuted for our beliefs in natural food and living. This is not how they act when "there is death or serious harm to humans and animals" (it is the case in egg, chicken, pig and cattle factories) which they want to change to "reason to believe" in S.510...Can you believe that the USDA want people to buy a license to have a worm farm...because worms repel pests, so it's a pesticide...Talk about backwards. Who are these dummies who are making these decisions...we must stop this NOW. Our country has become a embarrassment to rightful freedom and thinking.
"Nonetheless, over the weekend the FDA prepared and released a press release stating that Morningland Dairy was –voluntarily- recalling ALL of their product made from January through June 2010 nationwide, even though Morningland had not authorized the recall. This release went out at 12:01am Monday morning before the FDA showed up at Morningland in camoflauge to inspect the cheese plant. At that point, there had been no communication to the heads of Morningland regarding the lot numbers that were tested in California and no agreement to recall a half year’s work on an unsubstantiated test. The FDA’s Michele Thompson later communicated to Morningland that the FDA did not have the authority to “push for a recall” as that was against the law. She requested Morningland change commentary on their website to be in line with FDA policy. The fact remains that the FDA issued a press release announcing a recall prior to Morningland approving a recall. In other words, Morningland hadn’t volunteered to be bankrupted, yet the FDA issued a national notice stating that they had.
Joseph and Denise Dixon are committed to making a safe product. Joe says, “If we have a problem, we definitely want to deal with it, and we are willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that we provide our customers with a trustworthy and healthy product. We do all the tests that we are required to do and are committed to our customers well being. We want to provide living, healthful food that blesses people.”
What we have here is the continued destruction of food freedom, food choice and food availability. The federal government does not believe that people are capable of deciding what to eat themselves and have “erected a multitude of New Offices and sent forth swarms of officers to harass our peopl...
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26 minutes ago · Comment · Like · Share · Promote
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 ‎"The FDA’s Michele Thompson later communicated " Why is she communicating this..."that the FDA did not have the authority to “push for a recall” as that was against the law." My Con's piracy alert bell went off. Cover-up, cause they don't want people to know that they do have the authority and that they already do what they believe.Only to the people they want to crush do they show any authority.
21 minutes ago · Like · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 Monsanto or us...We get to choose.
We are in an age of mass killings, also we are in an age of corporate power. Until we can pull in the corporations, the mass killings will probably continue. 9/11, 7/7, Oklahoma, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, India (Monsanto induced suicides) etc. etc. Monsanto is singled out as a parti...
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6 hours ago · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         2 people like this.
Chris Alexander This is irresponsible journalism. Shame on you for posting this. Blaming it on the entire Jewish faith without proof? Shame on you.
6 hours ago · Like ·  2 people · 
Jaquan Jandali its not journalism but indeed it's an unnecessary and sweeping generalization that seems to be made
6 hours ago · Like · 
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 You should be unliking Monsanto.
4 hours ago · Like · 
Chris Alexander We all do, but we also don't like unproven accusations.
4 hours ago · Like · 
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 What accusation is that exactly...The one that the Jewish man standing in front of olive trees says is "the shareholder remains blameless" even if he puts his money into an evil investment?
4 hours ago · Like ·  1 person · 
3 hours ago · Like · 
Chris Alexander No, the ridiculous accusations about the 'Jewish agenda'. Did you not watch the video?
3 hours ago · Like · 
Why are not all religious people standing up to Monsanto? Isn't it against God's Laws to make genetic modification and poison people with chemicals...Only when it suits the needs of their leaders do we see mass action from these organizations. Our planet is being destroyed along with us...If the soil is dead there will be no moisture to draw up to make clouds, which bring us rain and rainbows...And that was God's promise...No more floods. The Rainbow was God's promise. 
We need comments, yes and more info, yes...but coming out of the wood work to complain is uncalled for. If those who complain would have taken time to make comments or to post info before this post maybe they would have a leg to stand on; but seriously who are you kidding. Not me...BS. Start doing something to help, not hinder. Life is too short to be short sighted.
8 minutes ago · Like · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 It's all about the $$$...
"by Heidi Stevenson
12 September 2010

Big Pharma has almost reached the finish line of its decades-long battle to wipe out all competition. As of 1 April 2011—less than eight months from now—virtually all medicinal herbs will become illegal in the European Union. The approach in the United States...
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Big Pharma has almost reached the finish line of its decades-long battle to wipe out all competition. As of 1 April 2011, virtually all medicinal herbs will become illegal in the EU. The people have become no more than sinks for any swill Big Pharma and Agribusiness choose to produce, and we have no...
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10 hours ago · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         Danny James Ryan likes this.
Jessica Anthony You said it well. Everybody Grow Your Own!
10 hours ago · Like ·  1 person ·  · 
Lisa Bee This is such BULLSHIT!
8 hours ago · Like ·  · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 ‎"Congress Speaks OutThe Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, under the leadership of Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), is scrutinizing the IRIS rules changes. In an April committee hearing, Senator Boxer outlined White House interference in the risk assessments of TCE, naphthalene, and formaldehyde. Boxer also re...
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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) in 1985 as a single source of information on human health risks related to chemical exposure. Under recent procedural changes at the EPA, however, other federal agencies with significant conflicts of ...
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13 hours ago · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 Rachel Carson said it best in Silent Spring: "If having endured much, we at last asserted our 'right to know' and if, knowing, we have concluded that we are being asked to take senseless and frightening risks, then we should no longer accept the counsel of those who tell us that we must fill our world with poisonous ch...
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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) appears committed to allowing biotechnology companies to grow food crops such as rice, corn, and soybeans genetically engineered to produce drugs and industrial chemicals, despite the real and serious risk of contamination of our food supply.
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13 hours ago · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         Glen Shrope likes this.
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 ‎"Safe levels of drugs in our food"... is this CODEX?
13 hours ago · Like ·  1 person · 
Julie Davis I can only presume that destruction is the intent of all of this insanity.... certainly ANYONE with a brain can see the assured self destruction ahead of us... toxins, GM plants/animals, pollution, super bugs now they want to create plants that grow dangerous drugs?? Where does this stop?? Destruction. It must to be their goal.
13 hours ago · Like ·  · 
Denise Parkinson They are certainly devising more and more creative ways to DESTROY, all right!
12 hours ago · Like ·  · 
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Alex Becerra
Alex Becerra I am calling the senate and the voice mail is full since yesterday,how convinient is that. they are never there when you need them to answer or do something for their constituents. is there someone out there to tell me whats going on with the Monsanto bill s-510 as of today?. thank you.
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18 hours ago · Comment · Like · Flag
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 There was a post a few days ago from here, that said it is pushed back till after election. But "Bait and Switch" ? At this point all I know is that we need to keep waking people up and telling Congress to stand up to Monsanto and Corporate politics...
16 hours ago · Like · 
Alex Becerra thank you verymuch.time to put my stand outside health stores and pass information around. thank you again.
16 hours ago · Unlike ·  2 people ·  · 
Me too Alex...Gotta make a least a few hours before shopping in that health store...printing flyers- 10 bucks and cell phone time for people to call the Senators 10 bucks... $0 to program the phone #s to call their senators into peoples' phones...
Who knew it would be convenient to help others help save the world, and shop.
6 hours ago · Like · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
In Connecticut, President Obama Warns of "Corporate Takeover of our Democracy" TRANSCRIPT: This is a tough election season. People are hurting and they are understandably frustrated. And a lot of them are scared. And a lot of them are anxious. And that means that even when people don't have id...
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Saturday at 2:32pm · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         4 people like this.
Julie Davis um....maybe MR president should stop appointing monsanto hacks to high places before he talks of corporate takeover...and the government is the BIGGEST corporation.
Saturday at 8:31pm · Like ·  2 people ·  · 
Damon Tompkins End corporate personhood now! Obama knows law better than anyone; he knows change is only possible through law. The only hope is that he gets a second term and can take the gloves off. Look at his comments on SCOTUS Citizens United vs. FEC. He is telegraphing the signal of his intent but he can't make the moves until he gets a second term and can stop playing politics.
18 hours ago · Like ·  · 
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Matthew Rogers
Matthew Rogers Yikes!! I think they mean business.

Documents reveal that Blackwater has been busy expanding its corporate reach by providing intelligence services for agencies such as the Canadian Military, Netherlands Police and corporations like Monsanto.
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Saturday at 6:22am · Comment · Like · Share · Flag
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Lyone Sami Fein
Lyone Sami Fein Now the Feds want to have control over every single tomato, herb and watermelon that we buy at farmers' markets and roadside stands! It is crucial to stop this bill--this is big government out of control. Call 202-224-3121 and tell your Senator that you are against the Monsanto Food Bill (S 510)
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Saturday at 3:24am · Comment · Like · Flag
Alex Becerra i try to call them and their voice mail is full,how convinient is that.
Saturday at 2:25pm · Like ·  · 
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Isabella DeCarlo
Isabella DeCarlo ‎"This the second of three articles to demonstrate the effects
that Senate Bill S510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, will have on
all of us. The third article in this series will be devoted to Senate
bill S 510. As you read this article, it’s important to keep in mind
that while the US Congress was on August recess, Senate bill S510, that
will completely control the production of food, was resubmitted as a
bipartisan complete substitute for the original."
What we have here is the continued destruction of food freedom, food choice and food availability. The federal government does not believe that people are capable of deciding what to eat themselves and have “erected a multitude of New Offices and sent forth swarms of officers to harass our peopl...
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Friday at 4:37pm · Comment · Like · Share · Flag
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 This article is important to read...Thanks Isabella.
37 minutes ago · Like · 
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Darlene Childers Franco
Darlene Childers Franco S.510 has been tabled until after the elections, with little hope of anything done until the first of the year. GO US. Keep pushing... I spoke with 2 staffers (one who helped craft it) and they both said the same thing.
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Friday at 2:31pm · Comment · Unlike · Flag
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Ronita Anderson Lussier
Ronita Anderson Lussier I say F#&% Jon Stewart take it to Colbert, we need someone brave enough to act (OK this is reverse psychology)
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Friday at 1:36pm · Comment · Like · Flag
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David Quilty
David Quilty Monsanto gave The Nature Conservancy $1 million in 2009. Think TNC is speaking out against this bill?
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Friday at 10:58am · Comment · Like · Flag
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 The Codex comes into law with the signing of "The Food Safety Laws"...
"Agenda Item No. 4. Tellingly, though, its handling by the Commission was, and still is, a clear window into the dark soul of the Codex machinery. 

Health versus Wealth 

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Manipulative Politics at Codex –Where Form Reigns Over Function By Scott C. TipsJuly 11, 2010
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Friday at 9:55am · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 This blog will take you surfing. By Earth Justice...CEO's pay and the chemical companies lay offs. The more we know the more power we have...To any Congressmen who read this page...They don't want the best for your family either...Monsanto cannot be trusted and you will be sorry in the future by supporting their action...
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Fire a couple thousand people, block meaningful chemical safety reform, collect heaps of cash. It’s all part of the job for some chemical company CEOs, as uncovered in a report last week by the Institute for Policy Studies that contrasted executive compensations with worker layoffs.
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Friday at 9:28am · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         Veronica Smith likes this.
‎"The American Chemistry Council (ACC) likes to scare lawmakers away from enacting tough chemical reforms by threatening to cut jobs. Here’s an article showcasing ACC’s disdain for recent Congressional efforts to reform our failing law, the...See More
Friday at 9:33am · Like ·  1 person · 
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 We can scare them better...Their lies about jobs and safety is untrue and we want Justice...Not just take their power away, but JUSTICE.
Friday at 9:34am · Like · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 This is an excellent run down on what, why, how, when and who.

Genetically modified GM food, genetically food modified, GMO Food, GM foods, genetically food, Frankenstein food, genetic engineering, genetic modification, genetically modified crops, genetically modified organism, genetically altered, food safety
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Friday at 9:22am · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         3 people like this.
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 You may think that you already know about the chemical and GMO problems, but many don't. Giving this info will help to share with others...Nothing like a sweet organic wake-up call...
Friday at 9:36am · Like · 
Ani Sorenson Most of us on this page are probably familir with "The Future of Food" but if you are looking to open up someones eyes here is the link.
Friday at 11:12am · Like ·  · 
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Darlene Childers Franco
Darlene Childers Franco Finally heard back from Sen. Chambliss (GA) office. But of course, the staffer that called wasn't "read up" on S. 510. I gave him an earful about organics and the Senator's letter to the USDA re: $$ for local farmers and small producers. He said I'd be receiving a call from another staffer who actually helped write S. 510 today or Monday.
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Friday at 7:53am · Comment · Unlike · Flag
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 Check out Mike Wallace in his investigation on aspartame and the FDA.
In this Coke Zero commercial the eye's can see the truth. The tongue cannot tell the difference. The brain just wants blissful ignorance. Too bad the truth can save your life. This video was mirrored from: DISCLAIMER! -- Copyright Disclaimer Under ...
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September 16 at 10:23pm · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 Monsanto owns aspartame.
September 16 at 10:23pm · Like · 
Jolijn Veganist There is really something wrong with this system that makes it possible for people to have so much money, that they can force huge groups into basically anything they want.
September 16 at 11:18pm · Like ·  2 people ·  · 
Willow Black Check out the documentary Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World. It's available on Netflix.
Friday at 7:49am · Like ·  · 
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Rafael Navarro
Rafael Navarro Good start!

A federal judge says sugar beet farmers can't plant genetically engineered varieties next year, and those farmers, who produce half of America's sugar, now are in a bind. There aren't enough conventional seeds to go around.
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September 16 at 9:17pm · Comment · Unlike · Share · Flag
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Darlene Childers Franco Rafael - the USDA has already issued PERMITS allowing the planting of GM sugar beets THIS year, despite the judge's ruling. The farmers just have to "nip the flowers off" so they can't reproduce. Call the USDA and your senator and demand the USDA be reigned in. It's out of control.
Friday at 7:54am · Unlike ·  1 person ·  · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 ‎"This is also tied to the UN’s Agenda 21, of which industrializes America’s food supply and only permits American farmers to export, while America must import irradiated food from foreign countries. Irradiating the meat in particular may kill germs, but it also reduces the potency of the natural vitamins.If over the c...
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People for Freedom J. Hapiak September 15, 2010 MUST READ, because your life depends on this! Senate bills: S.510 and S.3757 We must
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September 16 at 1:55pm · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         Alec Phoenix, Sabrina Siegel and 5 others like this.
September 16 at 2:35pm · Like ·  · 
Alec Phoenix Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.
Friday at 4:09pm · Like ·  · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 Monsanto and Round Up...Remember...Birth Defects. And many other illnesses.
Here is a list of 100s of studies.
In this study birth defects were caused by 8xs less then found in GMO soy.
"The maximum residue level (MRL) allowed for glyphosate in soy in the EU is 20 mg/kg. T...
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GMWatch is an independent non-profit making organisation founded in 1998. We seek to counter the enormous corporate political power and propaganda of the biotech industry.
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September 16 at 12:10pm · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         Jolijn Veganist likes this.
Kevin Brady Even the Monsanto mailroom dude should probably be in jail
September 16 at 12:13pm · Unlike ·  1 person ·  · 
Jolijn Veganist Very creepy. Thanks for spreading knowledge!
September 16 at 12:16pm · Like ·  · 
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Michelle Voisin
Michelle Voisin Stop Monsanto Bill NOW!!!NOW!!!
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September 16 at 7:18am · Comment · Unlike · Flag
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 SIGN TODAY this is the last day for this petition!
We have just a few days to keep the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) from approving engineered salmon as the first animal manufactured for human consumption. Join me and CREDO Action to keep mutant fish off our plates.
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September 16 at 4:45am · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         4 people like this.
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 ‎"Some of the potential hazards of HR 875 could include small farmers who just sell their fruits and vegetables at farmer’s markets. Anyone engaged in food growing, or “holding food for consumption” in the U.S. would have to register annually, and create and maintain extensive records of the foods they grow and/or store...
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Congress is feeling pressure to respond to food industry incidences of contaminated processed meat and peanut butter. However in their drive to act, several "one-size-fits-all" bills have now been proposed, that if enacted, could very well act as a defacto frontal assault against organic farmers and...
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September 15 at 4:01pm · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         2 people like this.
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 No, it hasn't been passed in the House yet...Here's the info on the FEAST Act
September 15 at 4:51pm · Like · 
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 The Rep. that introduced it...Her husband works for Monsanto.... Rep DeLauro, Rosa L.
September 15 at 4:54pm · Like · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 Congressional LegislationS. 510: The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act Bill # S.510 Original Sponsor:Richard Durbin (D-IL) Cosponsor Total: 19(last sponsor added 09/13/2010) 8 Republicans 11 Democrats About This Legislation:From the Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance:
The U.S. Senate is expected to vote on a sweeping over...
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Learn about Globalization and the World Trade Organization (WTO), Global Trade, NAFTA, MAI, Fair Trade, Agribusiness, FTAA
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September 15 at 3:32pm · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
Today I listen to Al Franken stand there for 10 minutes on the Senate floor...Over and over telling us to fear the food we eat right now and we need Food Safty Laws...Because 2 people in Minnesota died from the filthy egg farms ...WHAT ABOU...See More
September 15 at 3:38pm · Like · 
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 Do I need to post what conditions these chickens lived in...And one of the main nutrients in their food is arsenic.
September 15 at 3:40pm · Like · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
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September 15 at 2:47pm · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         4 people like this.
Oliver Kowrygo ‎"i work for a corporation , so i can buy things -made by corporations" 
i cant remember where last time i heard the term "corporate fascism" (i think it was in a song...)
September 16 at 11:10am · Like ·  · 
Oliver Kowrygo by the way : JON - your information is awesome THANKS !!! (keep it up that way)
September 16 at 11:12am · Like ·  · 
Fred Guidry Dis is actually very good. Thanks Jon.
September 16 at 2:42pm · Like ·  · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 ‎"Nor am I persuaded by the claim that my use of a comma in "Roundup, ready" somehow "weakens [Monsanto's] trademark rights." If I were in the business of genetically altering seeds so that they could withstand copious applications of herbicides, and I were marketing my product under the brand "Roundup, ready," cheekily...
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This blog will serve as a running critique of industrial agriculture, a clearinghouse for info on sustainable farming, and a working manifesto for a liberation politics based on food.
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September 15 at 2:25pm · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         6 people like this.
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 Being a non-cosponser doesn't mean they won't vote yes...These men and women need our support to stand up against Monsanto...Call and tell them.
September 15 at 3:42pm · Like ·  1 person · 
Martha Meeks Thank you Jon.
September 15 at 6:53pm · Like ·  · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
People better vote for Terry Goddard or AZ is doomed!! It's not what she doesn't say in her intro, it's what she DOES say during the entire debate that exposes her inability to govern. Watch the entire debate at:
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September 15 at 1:41pm · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         Hope Grable and 3 others like this.
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 To purpose of posting this is too show how some of our statesmen, who make decisions for us, are incapable of doing so. Knowing they are not GODS and, neither is Monsanto is important to realize. They are not secretly protected by some force that will "get you" if you stand up against them. The Governor of Arizona shows herself as a figure head for Who? And the Article posted in comments gives us a good idea.
September 15 at 3:50pm · Like · 
I stand corrected...Blackwater...enter stage left or right what ever.
The "shadow army" has been implicated this week as an arm of Monsanto.
Just posted to our wall here...Jon or Stephen if you have eyes to read and see this...Please, start r
...See More
Saturday at 11:01am · Like · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 This is the telephone number for the United States Senate 202-224-3121, what ever state you live in - the operator will direct you to your Senator's office, even if you don't know your Senator's name, tell them which state you live in . They all have message machines on the ready 24/7. Leave your name, and tell them NO WAY
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September 15 at 1:35pm · Comment · Like · Promote
·         7 people like this.
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 ‎"Another target on the lobbying docket for Monsanto was global trade and promotion of biotechnology around the world. It’s lobbying efforts to numerous federal departments, the White House and Congress members focused on eliminating EU moratorium on biotech imports. Monsanto has sought to break down regulatory barriers...
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Monsanto Co. spent $4.64 million in the first two quarters of 2010 and it is on pace to set a new high for its lobbying expenditures. This has been fueled by lobbying on an increasing number of legal and legislative issues affecting the world’s largest conventional and biotech seed manufacturer.
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September 15 at 11:28am · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
·         2 people like this.
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 After the meeting in Zurich, Black sent an e-mail to other Blackwater executives, including to Prince and Prado at their Blackwater e-mail addresses. Black wrote that Wilson "understands that we can span collection from internet, to reach out, to boots on the ground on legit basis protecting the Monsanto [brand] name.....
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Internal documents reveal Blackwater's clandestine work for multinationals and governments.
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September 15 at 11:03am · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
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September 15 at 11:13am · Like ·  · 
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Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510
Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill S 510 ‎"By Patsy Brumfield, Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, Tupelo, Miss.Sept. 13--Agriculture giant Monsanto has rested its federal court case against Tupelo farm businessmen Mitchell and Eddie Scruggs.The judge in the case, W. Allen Pepper Jr., also issued a gag order to prevent public comments from the parties and att...
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September 15 at 9:50am · Comment · Like · Share · Promote · Flag
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This article is important to read...Thanks Isabella....
"The FDA’s Michele Thompson later communicated " Why is she communicating this..."that the FDA did not have the authority to “push for a recall” as that was against the law." My Con's piracy alert bell went off. Cover-up, cause they don't want people to know that they do have the authority and that they already do what they believe.Only to the people they want to crush do they show any authority....
Why are not all religious people standing up to Monsanto? Isn't it against God's Laws to make genetic modification and poison people with chemicals...Only when it suits the needs of their leaders do we see mass action from these organizations. Our planet is being destroyed along with us...If the soil is dead there will be no moisture to draw up to make clouds, which bring us rain and rainbows...And that was God's promise...No more floods. The Rainbow was God's promise. 
We need comments, yes and more info, yes...but coming out of the wood work to complain is uncalled for. If those who complain would have taken time to make comments or to post info before this post maybe they would have a leg to stand on; but seriously who are you kidding. Not me...BS. Start doing something to help, not hinder. Life is too short to be short sighted....
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