"Something is a foot" with vote counting in Cali...Homies
S.510 Fax says Millions Against Monsanto is an Arm of Monsanto to fool us ...YES PROP 37... As anyone would know who stood with me on the "Jon Stewart expose Monsanto's S510 Bill" (we were getting 17,000 hits a day before we were deleted); a person has to be a good detective to figure all the angles. We found a change to USC laws in that bill. The change gave the FDA power to "REASON TO BELIEVE" instead of what the law said "DEATH OR SERIOUS HARM TO HUMANS AND/OR ANIMALS", among other sneaky stuff.
S.510 Fax says Millions Against Monsanto is an Arm of Monsanto to fool us ...YES PROP 37... As anyone would know who stood with me on the "Jon Stewart expose Monsanto's S510 Bill" (we were getting 17,000 hits a day before we were deleted); a person has to be a good detective to figure all the angles. We found a change to USC laws in that bill. The change gave the FDA power to "REASON TO BELIEVE" instead of what the law said "DEATH OR SERIOUS HARM TO HUMANS AND/OR ANIMALS", among other sneaky stuff.
Only a King "reasons to believe" and that's the "WAY" it is. ...From behaviors in the past, and watching the directors do a "revolving door" between their jobs at Monsanto and their "Apointments" in the FDA one has to stop and think.
Controlled opposition is a way to syphon money away from the real helpers ---like a real group who can hire lawyers and scientists to take court action...
So what am I saying here? The fight has been going on for a few years very hard and well fought. Bu the dirty tricks...People flooded the Congress with vote no on S510, and Congress knew our intentions to not see this bill pass.
That is where to pass it Harry Reed...Waited to pounce. After so much posturing (real or an act?) the Congress was set to leave for the end of the year 2010 Christmas break. NO ONE WAS IN THE SENATE, except a few scribes. C-Span was off and there was no transciption for their records...Harry-the Speaker came into the Senate, stood at the podium, announced the bill and asked if there were any objections to it's passing. No one in the room- NO OBJECTIONS.